History Map Bibliography

History, Map, Bibliography

Gift of Conquerors
Hand Papermaking in India
Alexandria Soteriou
Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
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Botanical Name |
Local Name |
Parts Used |
Abelmoschus esculentus |
bhendi, ran turai |
outer bark of stem |
Adansonia digitata |
gorakh amli |
inner bark |
Agave ameriana & varieties |
ghaipat, ketki |
leaf fibre / waste / old ropes, etc. |
Abulation indica |
chakrabhend, mudra tuthinar |
outer bark of systems |
Ananas sativa |
ananas, anasapandu |
fibre of leaves |
Antiaris taxicaria & varieties |
valkal tree, chanduka karvat |
valkal or inner bark |
Bamboo |
bamboo, vans, bans |
culms, baskets, mats, old or new |
Boehmeria nivea |
China grass of rhea |
bark fibre |
Broussonetia papyrifera |
white mulberry, tut |
inner bark of young branches |
Butia frondoso & varieties |
dhak, palas or chichara root |
inner bark of young branches |
Calotropis procera |
madar plant |
bast fibre |
Cannabis sativa or canabis indica |
hemp, ganga, bhang |
bast fibre of the plant |
Corchorus capsularis & varieties |
jute of Bengal |
bast fibre, toe, gunny bags, jute thread and waste |
Careyas arborea |
kumhia, vakumbha, pailaeoutty, dudhippi |
inner bark of tree |
Crotalaria juncea & varieties |
sunn hemp, sone tag, sunn, san |
bast fibres, ropes, twines, old fishing |
Curcuma varieties |
halad, hardar, amba, hardar, ginger |
whole plant but not coims |
Cyperus rotunds & varieties |
motha, musta, korai, gandula, mutha |
whole grass |
Desmodium Tiliefolium |
kalanchi (murree), kanri (dalhousie), |
inner bark, lower himalays |
Doemia extensa |
utarni |
outer bark |
Daphne cannabina & varieties |
Nepal paper plant maha-deva |
inner bark and stem |
Daphne bholua |
Nepal paper plant lokta |
inner bark |
Daphne papyracea |
set barwa (simia) |
inner bark |
Ficus varieties |
bar, vad, pimpal |
inner barks of young branches |
Girarddinia heterophylla |
mothi, kahajati, agia |
bast fibre |
Gossypium varieties |
kapas, cotton |
textiles, rags |
Heliacteres isora |
murudsing |
bast fibres |
Hibiscus varieties |
bhendi, ranbhendi, lal ambari, roselle |
stem bark |
Ischoemum angustifolium |
sabai, babhar grass |
grass, leaves, ropes |
Lasiosphon eriiocephalus |
rameta |
inner bark |
Linum usitatissimum |
alasi, javas |
bast fibres |
Malachra digitata |
ambari, decan hemp |
Musa varieties |
plantain, kela, mouj, chavai |
stem fibre |
Oryza sativa |
rice straw, bhoosa, blus |
whole straw, not tops |
Pandanus odoratissimus |
kevda, ketki |
leaf fibres |
Palae varieties |
palms |
leaves, stalks |
Saccharum munja |
munj or sara grass |
leaves, ropes |
Saccharum officinum |
sherdi, sakar sugarcane, usa |
bagasse after extracting juice, leaves |
Sansevieria zeylanica |
bow string hemp, marul, ghanas pan, nagpuri |
leaf fibres |
Triticum sativa |
wheat, straw, gehu |
whole straw, not tops |
Typha elephantina |
bul-rush, jungli bajri, pan kanis |
whole plant, not tops |